
Tourism Area of Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, Nyingchi

Updated: 2022-12-06 (govt.chinadaily.com.cn) Print

Tourism Area of Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, Nyingchi
(林芝市雅鲁藏布大峡谷旅游景区 lín zhī shì yǎ lǔ zàng bù dà xiá gǔ lǚ yóu jǐng qū)

Location: Paizhen town,Manling county , Nyingchi city, Tibet autonomous region
Scenic Spot Level: AAAAA
Opening hours:
8 am-8:30 pm (April 1-Sept 30) (Last entry at 6 pm)
8:30 am-6 pm (Oct 1- March 31) (Last entry at 6 pm )
Ticket Price: 240 yuan ($37.00) (fare for sightseeing cars included)
1. Children under the age of 6 (inclusive) or under 1.2 meters (inclusive) in height, and local servicemen, farmers, and herdsmen can enter free of charge.
2. Half-price tickets are available for senior citizens aged above 60 (including), primary and secondary school students, full-time university undergraduates, and people who have a disability.
3. Mount Namjagbarwa may be viewed on average only 65 days each year. Get prepared to catch the sight and avoid disappointment it.
4. Don’t miss the beautiful scenery on the way; it is even more stunning than the views seen from the observation deck.
5. When sightseeing cars are not available, you can enter the scenic area by hiring local people’s cars.
6. You may come across many leeches when hiking. Please be well equipped and be careful!


A stunning view of the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon in Tibet autonomous region [Photo/lyfzt.xizang.gov.cn]

Located in southeastern Tibet autonomous region and in the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon is the world’s biggest and deepest canyon and the largest water vapor channel on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It combines soaring peaks with deep canyons -- a rare natural wonder in the world’s history of river development.


The scenery of the 7,782 meter Mount Namjagbarwa in Nyingchi, Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region [Photo/Xinhua]

As the Yarlung Zangbo River took a horseshoe-shaped turn around Mount Namjagbarwa and then ran towards the Indian Ocean, the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon was created. It encompasses snow-capped peaks, glaciers and forests, as well as hot springs, clear streams, cascading waterfalls, and roaring rivers.

The Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon at the eastern end of the Himalayan range is home to Mount Namjagbarwa, the highest mountain close to Nyingchi city, with an altitude of 7,782 meters. The holy mountain of the Bon, the native Pre-Buddhism religion of Tibet, it is worshipped as “the father of the Tibetan mountains”. Yet the snow peak does not show up very often. The fact that it is often shrouded in mist adds to the mysterious quality of the holy mountain.


Peach blossoms bloom in the Tourism Area of Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon. [Photo/lyfzt.xizang.gov.cn]

The canyon is one of the most biodiverse mountain areas in the world, a natural museum of plant types, and a genetic treasure house of biological resources. At the same time, located at the northeast corner of the juncture of the Indian and Eurasian plates, the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon boasts various geological phenomena and is considered a rare “geological museum”.
